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Workshops we offer

Introduction to Design Thinking


Duration 2h

Price from 240€/workshop

Languages EN / LV / FR

An introduction to design thinking methodology, and design attitude through a 90mn intensive hands on workshop and Q&A session. 

For beginners who want to gain understanding of what Design Thinking is.

Can be tailored to become a masterclass in one of your events and/or training.

Design thinking in 1 day


Duration 1 day

Price from 800€/workshop

Languages EN / LV / FR

An introduction to design thinking, which gives you the basic tools to approach your challenge, ideation and prototyping methods. It is ideal in the following situations:

– Team building
– starting to investigate an issue
– Learn more about design thinking

Design thinking training


Duration 16h

Price from 1600€/class

Languages EN / LV / FR

Learn the basics of design thinking and be able to apply them in your projects and companies through hands on learning. 

This course is divided in 2 or 4 sessions depending on your wishes.

Participants are asked to work in teams on a specific challenge.

Design sprint


Duration 1 week

Price from 4800€

Languages EN / LV / FR

Work in developing your product, service or policy for one week in our design studio, from defining the problem and context and end up the week with a tested idea and a plan to move forward.

Each design sprint is tailored to your needs, and we arrange if needed specific prototyping tools, and potential users/clients for the co-creation process.

We can also host sprints within other locations.

User Journey mapping


Duration 8h

Starting at 600€/workshop

Languages EN / LV / FR

Map your user journey, and discover where the potential for improvement is.

  • Product users
  • Service users
  • Policy beneficiary
  • HR employee journey
  • ………

Each workshop is tailored to your needs.

Accompanying your product development team


Duration 3-6 months

Starting at 2000€/project

Languages EN / LV / FR

We helicopter into your team at different stages of your project and provide you with tailored tools and expertise tailored to your needs of the moment, and needs until the next project.

We accompany you in doing user research and context research with design tools and methodology. 

Your team should be able to use the tools independently from us in diverse context following the program.

Co-creation session


Duration 4h

Starting at 450€/session

Languages EN / LV / FR

Co-create your products and generate solutions with your users or clients. We do foster the co-creation process in a controlled environment with the use of